Thursday, February 21, 2013

World History Videos

If you are a self education student like me, you will probably enjoy this series of world history short films. These will provide, with other items, a basic grasp of the history of the world.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Film Literature for Sale

Barsacq, Leon/Caligari’s Cabinet and Other Grand Illusions/Hardback

Bonds, Ray/Movie Stars/Hardback

Cary, John/Spectacular! The Story of Epic Films/Lg. binding

Deutsch, Didier C./Soundtracks The Essential Album Guide to Film, Television and Stage Music/Lg. Paperback

Ebert, Roger/Questions for the Movie Answer Man

Fonoroff, Paul/At the Hong Kong Movies/Lg. Paperback

Gow, Gordon/Suspense in the Cinema/paperback

Kay, Dorman Eddie/Box Office Champs/Hardback

Loos, Anita/Cast of Thousands/Hardback

Pinewood Studios/Moviography/Booklet

Wood, Bergman/Ingmar Bergman/Hardback

History of Mankind Literature for Sale

Adams, Richard E.W./Prehistoric Mesoamerica/Hardback

Agel, Jerome and Gerberg, Mort/Twelve Documents That Shaped th World/LrgPbck

Churchill, Winston/History of the English Speaking Peoples Volumes 1-4/Hardback

Churchill, Winston S./The Second World War Vols: The Gathering Storm, The Finest Hour, The Grand Alliance, The Hinge of Fate and Triumph and Tragedy

Durant Will/The Story of Civilization Vol. VI The Reformation and Vol. IX The Age of Voltaire/Hardback

Maldondado,-Denis/Manuel/Puerto Rico: A Socio-Historic Interpretation/Hardback

Minipedia/History Makers/Sm. Hardback

Moore, John Norton/The Secret War in Central America/Hardback

Morrison, James W./Zhirinovskiy: Russian Ultra-Nationalist/Paperback

Raleigh, John Henry/History and the Individual/Hardback

Wells, H.G./The Outline of History Vol. I and II/Hardback

Wells, H.G./The Outline of History/Hardback

Human Life Literature for Sale

Bechtel, Stefan/The Practical Encyclopedia of Sex and Health/Hardback

Freud, Sigmund/Civilization and its Discontents/Paperback

Freud, Sigmund/Future of an Illusion, The/Paperback

Freud, Sigmund/The Interpretation of Dreams/Hardback

Freud, Sigmund/On Dreams/Paperback

Freud, Sigmund/On the History of Psycho-Analytic Movement/Paperback

Freud/Psychopatologia Zycia Codziennego Marzenia Senne/Lg. Paperback in Polish

Freud, Sigmund/Totem and Taboo/Paperback

Freud, Sigmund/Wstep do Psychoanalizy/Lg. Paperback in Polish Language

Gray, Henry/Gray’s Anatomy/Hardback

Greist, Jefferson & Marks/Anxiety and its Treatment/Paperback

Grosset & Dunlap/Healthy Sex Life, How to Achieve it/Hardback

Jung, C.G./Modern Man in Search of a Soul/Lg. Paperback

Lewis, Norman/Word Power Made Easy/Hardback

Lorayne, Harry/How to Develop a Super-Power Memory/Hardback

Morris, Desmond/Intimate Behaviour/Hardback

Morris, Desmond/The Naked Ape/Hardback

Stratton, Ernest K./Atlas of Regional Dermatology/Hardback

Willy, Vander and Fisher/The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Sex/Hardback

Wolf Medical Publications/Diagnostic Picture Tests in Clinical Medicine/Paperback

Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc/Photo Dx/Paperback

Human Society Literature for Sale

Beier and Valens/People Reading:How We Control Others, How they Control Us/Paperback

Brands, H.W./Masters of Enterprise/8 CD Set

Brondfield, Jerry/100 Years of Football/Lg. Paperback

Bump, Glen Hale/How to Suceed in Business without Being a Pagan/Paperback

Davidson, Harlan/Urban America in the Modern Age/Lg. Paperback

Fast, Julius/Body Language/Paperback

Fowler, H.W./A Dictionary of Modern English Usage/Hardback

Isay and Abramson/Flophouse Life on the Bowery/Hardback

Machiavelli/Prince, the and Discourses, the/Hardback

Morris, Desmond/The Human Zoo/Hardback

Nierenberg and Calero/How to Read a Person Like a Book/Paperback

Packard, Vance/Waste Makers, The/Paperback

Taubman, Bryna/How to Become an Assertive Woman/Paperback

Tucker, Robert C./Class Struggle, The/Lg. Paperback

Woloch, Nancy/Women and American Experience/Lg. Paperback

Zoch, Paul A./Doomed to Fail: The Built in Defects of American Education/Hardback

Music Literature for Sale

Andy/I’m Johnny and I Don’t Give a Fuck/Zine

Blush, Steven/American Hardcore A Tribal History/Lg.  Paperback

Cometbus, Aaron/Despite Everything: A Cometbus Omnibus/Lg. Paperback

Cometbus, Aaron/In China with Green Day/Zine

Cometbus, Aaron/Issue #53/Zine

Cometbus, Aaron/Mixed Reviews/Paperback

Moynihan, Michael and Soderlind, Didrik/Lords of Chaos/Lg. Paperback

O’ Hara, Craig/The Philosophy of Punk/Lg. Hardback

Scam, Iggy/Scam issues #1-5/Large Fullsize

Weasel, Ben/Punk is a Four-Letter Word/Lg. Paperback

Weiss, Pierro and Taruskin, Richard (Selected and Annotated by)/Music in the Western World/Lg. Paperback

Pulp/Fantasy/Science Fiction Literature for Sale

Asimov, Isaac/Please Explain/Paperback

Asimov, Isaac/Union Club Mysteries, The/Paperback

Colby, C.B./Strangely Enough/Paperback

Edwards, Frank/Flying Saucers-Serious Business/Paperback

King, Stephen/Running Man, The/Paperback

Maugham, W. Somerset/Ashenden/Paperback

Rogo, Scott D./UFO Abductions-True Cases of Alien Kidnappings/Paperback

Saki/Humor, Horror and the Supernatural/Paperback

Shatner, William/Tekwar/Paperback

Strieber, Whitley/Communion A True Story/Paperback

Zicree, Marc Scott/Twilight Zone Companion, The/Lg. Paperback

Classic Literature for Sale

Aesop/Treasury of Aesop’s Fables/Hardback

Alcott, Louisa May/Hospital Sketches/Paperback

Alcott, Louisa May/Little Women/Hardback

Aristophanes/Plays Volumes 1 and 2/Large Paperbacks


Balzac/Droll Stories/Hardback

Balzac, Honore de/Pere Goriot/Hardback

Bierce, Ambrose/Collected Writings of/Large Paperback

Britainnica Great Books/Vol. 12 Lucretius, Epictetus and M. Aurelius; Vol. 37 Fielding and Vol. 45 Lavoisler, Fourier and Faraday/Hardback

Bronte, Charlotte/Jane Eyre/Hardback

Bronte, Charlotte/Wuthering Heights/2 Hardbacks

Bulfinch’s Mythology/Age Fable, Age Chivalry and Legends Charlemagne/Hardback

Cervantes, Miguel de/Don Quixote of the Mancha/Hardback

Conrad, Joseph/Heart of Darkness/Large Paperback

Conrad, Joseph/Outcast of the Islands, An/Paperback

Conrad, Joseph/Conrad Argosy Youth, Heart Darkness, Nger Narcissus, etc/Lrge Hbk

Conrad, Joseph/Selected Works Lord Jim, Heart Darkness, Nostromo , etc./Hardback

Dana Jr., R.H./Two Years Before the Mast/Hardback

Darwin, Charles/Origin of Species/Hardback

Darwin, Charles/Voyage of the Beage/Hardback

Dickens, Charles/David Copperfield/2 Hardbacks

Dickens, Charles/Great Expectations/2 Hardbacks (Reader’s Digest Versions)

Dickens, Charles/Nicholas Nickleby/Hardback

Dickens, Charles/Oliver Twist/Collector’s Hardback

Dickens, Charles/Pickwick Papers, The/Hardback

Dickens, Charles/ Tale of Two Cities, A /Hardback

Dickinson, Emily/Collected Poems of/Hardback

Dostoevsky, Fyodor/Brothers Karamazov/Large Paperback

Dostoevsky, Fyodor/Crime and Punishment Cliff Notes/Pamphlet

Dumas, Alexander/Adventures with my Pets/Hardback

Dumas, Alexander/The Count of Monte Cristo/Hardback

Elliot, T.S./Complete Poems and Plays/Hardback

Euripides/Volume V: Electra, The Phoenician Women and The Bacchae/Large Pprbk

Fielding, Henry/Tom Jones/Paperback and Hardback

Famous Greek Plays/Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes/Hardback

Frost, Robert/Poetry of (Complete 11 Books)/Hardback


Goethe/Faust Cliff Notes/Pamphlet

Greek Tragedies Volumes 1 and 3/Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides/Large Paperback

Grene & Lattimore/Greek Tragedies Vol. 2/Lg. Paperback

Hardy, Thomas/Tess of the D’Urbervilles/2 Hardback (1 Readers Digest Version)

Harvard Classics/Plato, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius/Hardback (Harvard Classic)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel/The Scarlet Letter/Hardback

Hemingway, Ernest/Sun Also Rises, The/Hardback and Large Paperback

Homer/Illiad, The/Hardback


Hugo, Victor/The Hunchback of Notre-Dame/Collector’s Hardback and Hardback

Huxley, Aldous/Complete Essays Volume V. 1936-1956/Hardback

Irving, Washington/Rip Van Winkle/Lg. Paperback

James, Henry/Short Stories of/Hardback

Keats, John/Poetical Works of, The/Hardback

Khayyam, Omar/ Rubaiyat, The /Lg. Paperback, Hardback and Hardback

Kipling, Rudyard/Selection of his Stories and Poems, A Vol.1 and 2/Hardback

Lawrence, D.H./Sons and Lovers/Lg. Paperback

Leroux, Gaston/Phantom of the Opera/Hardback

Locke, John/Two Treatises on Government/Hardback

London, Jack/Sea Wolf, The/Hardback

London, Jack/White Fang/Lg. Paperback and Paperback

Mann, Thomsas/Doctor Faustus/Hardback

Marlowe, Christopher/Complete Plays, The/Paperback

Marques, Gabriel Garcia/Love in the Time of Cholera/Large Paperback

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/News of a Kidnapping/Large Paperback

Melville, Herman/Moby-Dick/Collector’s Hardback

Mill, John Stuart/On Liberty/Lg. Paperback

Milton, John/Paradise Lost and other Poems/Hardback

Montaigne/Selected Essays/Hardback

Nabokov, Vladimir/Lolita/Large Paperback

Orwell, George/Homage to Catalonia/Large Paperback

Plato/The Works of Plato/Hardback

Poe, Edgar, Allan/Edgar Allan Poe Reader/Hardback

Poe, Edgar Allan/Eight Tales of Terror/Paperback

Shakespeare, William/The Sonnets of/Hardback

Shakespeare, William/The Complete Works/Hardback

Shaw, Bernard/Arms and the Man/Paperback

Shelley, Mary/Frankenstein/Large Paperback

Solzhenitsyn, Alexsandr/Gulag Archipelago/Hardback Two Volumes

Steinbeck, John/Grapes of Wraith/Hardback

Steinbeck, John/Short Novels/Hardback

Steinbeck, John/To a God Unknown/Lg. Paperback

Steinbeck, John/Winter of Our Discontent/Hardback

Stevenson, Robert Louis/Master of Ballantrae/Hardback

Stevenson, Robert Louis/Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde; and Various Fables/Hardback

Stoker, Bram/Dracula/Hardback and Mini Hardback

Sun Tzu’s/ Art of War/Pocket-sized Edition and Hardback

Swift, Jonathan/A Modest Proposal and Other Prose/Lg. Paperback

Thackeray, William Makepeace/Vanity Fair/Lg. Paperback

Thoreau, Henry David/Walden/Collector’s Hardback

Tolkien, J.R.R./Fellowship of the Ring/3 Large Paperbacks

Tolkien, J.R.R./Hobbit/Large Paperback

Tolkien, J.R.R./Return of the King/Large Paperback

Tolkien, J.R.R./Tolkien Reader, The /Paperback

Tolkien, J.R.R./Two Towers, The/Hardback and Large Paperback

Tolstoy, Leo/How Much Land Does a Man Need?/Pamphlet

Tolstoy, Leo/Two Old Men/Pamphlet

Tolstoy, Leo/War and Peace/Hardback

Twain, Mark/Complete Short Stories of, The/Hardback

Twain, Mark/A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court/Hardback

Twain, Mark/The Prince and the Pauper & Those Extraordinary Twins/Hardback

Twain, Mark/Gilded Age, The /Hardback

Twain, Mark/Joan of Arc/Lg. Paperback

Twain, Mark/The American Claimant & Pudd’nhead Wilson/Hardback

Twain, Mark/Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc/Hardback

Twain, Mark/Unabridged, The/Hardback

Twain, Mark/War Prayer, The/Hardback

Unknown/Beowulf/Large Paperback

Verne, Jules/Around the World in 80 Days/Hardback


Wells, H.G./Invisible Man, The & Island of Dr. Moreau, The/Hardback

Wilde, Oscar/Importance Being Earnest and Four Plays/Large Pprbck and Paperbck

Branches of Knowledge Literature for Sale

Barnet and Bedau/Critical Thinking Reading and Writing/Lg. Paperback

Bryson, Bill/Short History of Nearly Everything, A/Lg. Paperback

Durant, Will/Story of Philosophy, The/Paperback and Hardback

Emerson, Ralph Waldo/Self-Reliance and Other Essays/Hardback

Fletcher, Joseph/Situation Ethics The New Morality/Lg. Paperback

Franklin, Ben/Wit & Wisdom/Hardback

Huizinga, Johan/Erasmus and the Age of Reformation/Large Paperback

Machiavelli, Niccolo/Prince/Large Paperback

Marx, Karl/Capital/Hardback

McInerny, D.Q./Being Logical/Lg. Paperback

Nietzsche, Friedrich/Portable, Nietzsche, The/Lg. Paperback

Ruby, Lionel/The Art of Making Sense/Hardback

Swokowski/Algebra y Trigonometria con Geometria Analitica/Textbook in Spanish

Thoreau/On Man & Nature/Hardback

Wisnewski, Jeremy J./Family Guy and Philosophy/Large Paperback

Art Literature for Sale

Berger, Terry/Black Fairy Tales/Large Paperback

Bukowski, Charles/Run with the Hunted/Lg. Paperback

Cassady, Marshall/Book of Scenes for Acting Practice/Lg. Paperback

Deutsch, Babette/Poetry Handbook/Lg. Paperback

Goad, Jim/Answer Me! The First Three/Lg. Paperback

Krieger, Murray/The Tragic Vision/Lg. Paperback

Laver, James/Costume & Fashion(Revised, Expanded and Updated Edition)/Lg. Paperback

Minnesota State University Moorhead/Emprise/Lg. Paperback

Mishima, Yukio/Acts of Worship/Hardback

Mishima, Yukio/Decay of the Angel, The/Hardback

Plath, Sylvia/The Bell Jar/Lg. Paperback

Reed, Ishmael/Mumbo Jumbo/Lg. Paperback

Seuphor, Michel/The Sculpture of this Century/Hardback

Steiner, Nancy Hunter/A Closer Look at Ariel: A Memory of Sylvia Plath/Hardback

Thompson, Hunter S./Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas/Lg. Paperback

Toole Kennedy, John/A Confederacy of Dunces/Lg Paperback

Underworld Amusements (Publisher of Compilation)/Iron Youth Reader Vol. 1 (Eisler, de Sade, Spengler, Devi, LeBon and Galton)/Lg. Paperback

Monday, February 4, 2013