Monday, November 26, 2012

Lucid All Night A source for Lucid Dreaming

Posted by: b12dreamer | January 4, 2008

How to make a Dream more Vivid: The true B6 story

This is not an article on how to increase vividness in a lucid dream. That’ll come later. This is an article on how to generally have more vivid dreams, lucid or not. You haven’t experienced anything until you’ve experienced a truly vivid dream. You remember that dream you had last night? It probably looked like this:
That’s not cool. Look at how much fun those ladies are having, and you can’t see anything! Well, follow my advice and your next dream will look like this:
Now that’s more like it, right? The answer is really simple, and it’s been stated many times before: Vitamin B6, AKA Pyridoxine. But that’s not the full answer.
Vitamin B6 is part of the Vitamin B complex. It’s important for brain and nerve function. It also helps the body break down proteins and sugars (namely glucose) and promotes red blood cell production. For normal function, you need about 1.3mg of Vitamin B6 every day, and you usually get that much through the foods that you eat.
For a great vivid dream, you should take about 250mg of Vitamin B6. You can find a bunch of B6 and B complex suppliments at pharmacies, nutrition stores, any place you can get vitamins.
I don’t want suppliments, what foods have B6? Bananas, oranges, fish, liver, beans, nuts, eggs, chicken, carrots, spinach, and other healthy foods like that.
Any bad news? Yes. At a repeated dose of 200mg, you start not to feel so good — tingling in the hands and feet, loss of sensation in the legs, some other bad stuff…
What? You said i need 250mg? Yes, you do. Or you could skip that advice, and i’ll tell you the REAL reason Vitamin B6 works.
Tryptophan is an amino acid taken by Vitamin B6 and converted into Serotonin. Serotonin can cause extremely vivid dreams at higher levels. So the reason such a high dose of B6 is recommended for vivid dreams is that it’ll convert more tryptophan into more serotonin. But why don’t we help the process and just add in the middle man?
Why not just cut out the middle man and take Serotonin suppliments? Three words: Blood Brain Barrier. It’s a pesky thing that won’t just let things into the brain directly. Instead, Vitamin B6 and Tryptophan can be metabolized in the body and sent to the brain no problemo.
Tryptophan is found in such foods as cheddar cheese, chicken, salmon, lamb, egg, flour, white rice, and milk. Cheddar cheese has the most amount of tryptophan, and is recommended highly.
So what do I do?
You have two options: foods or suppliments. For Vitamin B6, you should get some suppliments that will provide you with about 100mg of B6 (much less than 250mg, and not dangerous!). You’re going to have a hard time eating enough oranges to get that much. Take it about an hour or two before bed. For tryptophan, you should eat some cheddar cheese (or the other foods listed) a few hours before bed, around when you’re about to take the B6.
If you’re not willing to just go out and buy suppliments, then i have advice for you. Eat a banana or two, and then sprinkle a good amount of cheddar cheese on something. Not on the banana, unless that’s your thing, it’s not really mine. Do this about an hour before bed. The next day, i’ll be surprised if I don’t see you running to your car still pulling your shirt over your head in such a hurry to get to the store.
That’ll provide you with some intense dreams! Good luck, and enjoy. Remember, work on your dream recall so you can remember these vivid dreams. Also remember to do your reality checks! Did you do one? Are you dreaming?

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